Jon is a seasoned CA(SA), with over 15 years of academic, commercial and consulting experience.
Jon empowers people with the knowledge and tools to take control of their finances. Understanding and helping with deep rooted psychological and behavioral issues around money is the jumping off point. What follows is helping with getting out, and staying out of debt. The premise that is used is empowering people via financial literacy. Other areas include:
-Budgets with the focus on cost reduction
-Insurance (medical, life, etc) guidance
-Investment guidance
-Bespoke training on understanding your payslip, tax obligations, PAYE etc.
Rather than commission based remuneration (based on sales of products), you pay by the hour for Jon's assistance.
Jon's career highlights include:
-Lecturing university students at 20 years old in auditing, tax and accounting
-Head of auditing department and CTA/board lecturer
-Top rated audit clerk during articles training contract & voted audit clerk of the year
-Group CFO of largest independent tissue producer in South Africa
-Finalist in the ABSA Jewish Achievers Awards 2018
-Co founder of burgeoning cosmetic start up
-Finance consultant to SMEs across different sectors
-Money coach/guide to singles, couples and families across varied socio-economic backgrounds
I can help....BUT..
"I can help run your business and do a budget for you, but your personal life might be falling apart at the same time," says Jon. "You’re one package. You’re one person, and you really need to see the whole picture."
"There needs to be a holistic approach to helping people. Its not good enough to tick some boxes on a personal needs assessment questionnaire, there has to be an honest and candid conversation about your situation."
Both as a CA(SA) and a money consultant, Jon works primarily with families, small business owners and entrepreneurs, clients who frequently treat their business and personal lives as if they aren’t connected. Consulting has allowed him to come at his work from different angles.
With his CA(SA) background, Jon is able to interpret financial statements and then integrate his skills to weave those insights into a client’s larger personal goals and plans.
"When people try to put their business in a silo and keep it separate from their personal life, I pull them back into reality and say, ‘There is no business debt. It’s personal debt,’" he says. "Once you say those words, people will process it and say, ‘You know, you’re right. I am responsible for this debt.’"
"There has to be buy-in from the client. I can proverbially take them to the water, but they have to want to drink the water."
"People work so hard to earn a living, but they are not willing to take a step back and bring in someone independent who will give them an honest assessment about their money."
"You have three options" he says. "Do nothing, and hope it will sort itself out. This wont work. Obviously."
"The second option is to carry on, as is, and reactively put out fires as and when they crop up."
"The third, proactive option is to partner with a professional and deal with your situation, and most importantly get control over your money and your life"